Less music than usual for this past July, as I was on holiday and trying to decompress from everything. But I wrote "less music", which means that I always listen to music, and I always will. Every single day of my life. Two big releases, at least for my taste. The new Mr.Big, Ten (click for the review, but a big "meh" if you want a spoiler) and the new Deep Purple (very good, instead!).
Among old ones, I had in heavy rotation, The Wicked Symphony, an old one and maybe underrated by Avantasia, 18 til I Die by Bryan Adams (I forgot how many hits are in this one!), Zooropa (one of my favourite U2, probably because it's the first CD I've received as a present in my life) and Carry Fire, a Robert Plant album of 2017 that I really liked.
I hope you are finding something good to listen to during your holidays!
Heavy Rotation