Electric High

Electric High takes their high voltage rock ’n’ roll to astronomic heights – all the way to the Sun! The new single could be the bastard child of Motörhead, Deep Purple and The Who. But no, this is Electric High. Sun will blow up your speakers on Friday, August 27th.

The pounding, double kick drum intro that starts off Sun could make you think Philthy ‘Animal’ Taylor was back from the dead. But he’s not. It’s Electric High kicking off their arguably most energy-loaded track so far. A pick-sliding distorted guitar sends us into the ripping opening riff, and on into the first verse, where singers PV Staff and Olav Iversen battle in well-known fashion for bringing across the story of a ruler who longs for a tiny glimpse of the sun, while being imprisoned by his subjects for seven years.

Sun flies on into an irresistibly sing-along-friendly chorus that speaks for itself, and when you think it’s almost over, we get thrown into an instrumental part out of another world. Marius Mørch’s crazy guitar work, backed by the power-charged rhythm section containing of bass player Einride Torvik and drummer Tor Bjarne Bjelland, takes Sun to yet another level of ferocious energy. So buckle up – ‘cos this one goes to eleven!

Sun was recorded in Solslottet Studio, Bergen, Norway, produced by Iver Sandøy.

Many more releases from Electric High will follow continuously throughout 2021.

Electric High is a high voltage rock band from Bergen, Norway, influenced by bands like Wolfmother, Aerosmith and Black Sabbath. The members hail from bands like Sahg, Faith Circus, and Emmerhoff & The Melancholy Babies. Electric High goes straight for the throat, fronted by two in-your-face lead singers, while the band shoots out pure electric power.

Get Electrified!

Electric High is:
PV Staff — lead vocals
Olav Iversen — lead vocals
Marius Mørch — guitars
Einride Torvik — bass
Tor Bjarne Bjelland — drums

Contact Electric High:

Per Vidar Staff: mobile +47 476 31 978

Olav Iversen: mobile +47 926 43 079

E-mail: electrichighband@gmail.com
