Interview: Katanak


Dylan Cattanach Introduces Katanak
Fresh, groovy and youthful. A multi-instrumentalist writing indie pop / alt-pop & rounded out with a little bit of funk to combine for an irresistible groove. 
Writing for over 6 years, he takes influence from the creative styles of The Wombats and The 1975.

Welcome to this interview, Katanak. How would you describe your sound?
My sound could best be described as colourful, energetic and fun. I don’t like to pigeon hole myself into any genres so I write whatever I feel like writing.

What do you write about?
I write about things that inspire me in my life. Katanak’s first single was about my fiancĂ©e and how we tried to get a visa for her to stay in Australia. I find my best writing is done when inspiration just hits me.

What do you listen to when you are home?
I personally have really gotten into the pop side of things recently. I started out my music life with rock and metal and only found my way to pop recently. Metal, rock and pop all have special places in my heart but for right now I listen to a lot of the 1975 and 5 Seconds of Summer so I can better understand how to improve my writing.

Your favourite live performance so far?
Very recently Katanak got the opportunity to play at the NRL Grand Final Fan Fest event in King George Square, Brisbane. It was an absolute blast getting to open the stage for Sheppard and I never thought I’d get to say Katanak and Sheppard in the same sentence. It was a last minute event because of covid but it is something that I’ll take with me for a long time.

Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage
This wasn’t funny at the time but we can laugh about it now. It relates to the Sheppard gig for the NRL Grand Final Fan Fest. I had double checked everything but there’s always something. Work wasn’t going to give me time off and there was no guarantee they’d let me leave early. No worries at all as I knew I could make it to the city in time. I had someone sitting at work ready to drive me into the city. Ok, all good so far. My friends in the car got the call to say there was no backline and we were supposed to bring our own drumkit. Before you say anything, I had checked all that out. Game Changer! So I just left work and had to drive via home and pick up an old drumkit my Dad had which lucky for us we had just used the week before so it was tuned and already packed up. We threw it into the car and took off. I had the guys waiting at the load in zone so we skidded to a stop and had to carry the drumkit the 800m to the stage. We had 15 mins to set up, line check and start playing. We did it and the best part is that we had people telling us our set was awesome!

Your favourite albums?
I’ve been a big fan of the 1975 for a number of years now and honestly the “I love it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it” album is so good. Any song off that album is full of amazing song writing and I would love to have just a pinch of that talent.

A musician you would like to meet for a beer?
I know I’m just repeating myself at this point but I would love to spend some time with Matty Healy from the 1975 and Luke Hemmings from 5sos. Those boys have such amazing voices and songwriting abilities and I’d just love to pick their brains for a night.

What would you ask backstage if you were the most important band on earth?
Honestly I’ve never thought about this as strange as that sounds. I’d probably just ask for some of my favourite foods and see how ridiculous I could make it before someone told me I was crazy haha. I'd better start getting my list together, haha.

What are your plans for the next future?
Over the next couple of months, Katanak is going to record and write more music to put out next year as well as improve our live set. It’s going to be a big year for Katanak next year if covid holds off.