Interview - Marty Zylstra

Marty Zylstra is a Vancouver Canada based musician who just released a new album called Boom Chicka (Spotify link at the end of the interview). Let's talk to him about this release and about music in general.

- Hi Marty and welcome to this interview. Tell us about your latest release Boom Chicka.
This record was sort of the album I wrote my whole life. Messages of peace and love with big drums and rock and roll. I'm a huge fan of music from the '60s and we really made a point of trying to hint at that quite a lot.

- How would you describe your sound?
I'm a rocker. My favourite bands are the classics and I think my music reflects those influences.
I love creating an analog motif in my music using instruments that you'd find on all the great Beatles records. That being said, I love to experiment as well, attempting to get new sounds or make old sounds new again!

- What do you write about?
lyrical themes throughout my catalog have always dealt with grief and finding love.
One particular track on Boom Chicka "People I Love" is a stand out because it's a huge sing-a-long chorus flower power and joining hands and peace and love.

- What do you listen to when you are home?
I listen to a lot of independent artists from all over Canada and the world. I love being a champion of my friends' work and try to listen to all of their music whenever it's released.

- Your favourite live performance so far?
I've been lucky to be on really cool stages and so it's really hard to pick but honestly my favourite gigs I've personally played are the ones in smaller venues with a full house and a sweaty rock and roll atmosphere.

- Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage
my producer and friend JP and I have a lot of laughs in studio. We usually communicate via "the Beatles" suggesting ideas using "Beatles speak" to make the drums sound more Ringo here, or sing it more Lennon there. usually in a terrible fake accent.

- Your favourite albums?
With the Beatles, Pet Sounds, the White Album, Nirvana - In Utero, Radiohead - in Rainbows

- A musician you would like to meet for a beer?
considering I'm sober 6+ years haha it would probably be a coffee or lunch but I'd love to hang out with my musician friends from bands here in Vancouver. It's been a hard year and I've hardly seen any of them.

- What would you ask backstage if you were the most important band on earth?
I'm assuming you mean a rider. I honestly keep it simple - Johnny Cash style. A clean dressing room and a fresh towel

- What are your plans for the next future?
I've already recorded a new record - it's about 75% finished. I'm also starting work on producing an EP for a local artist here in Vancouver, trying to stay busy and also keep learning, writing, and growing! Hoping to start gigging again as well in 2022!