Interview - Our Man In The Bronze Age

Our Man In The Bronze Age is a UK based band formed by Tom Platt - Drums/Vocals, Jonathan Muston - Drums/Keys/Vocals, Graham Hulbert - Guitars/Vocals, Andi Jackson - Bass/Vocals
and Justin Hodges - Guitars

- Hi guys and welcome to this interview. Tell us about your latest release Our man in the bronze age.
Our latest release is a thirteen-track ebb and flows through heavy and light, dark and amusing.

- How would you describe your sound?
Some kind of Rock.? Cinematic..? Some kind of Metal..? I’ve lost track of what all the genres mean. Basically, sometimes we’re snarly, heavy and turned-on with beats, bass and hot Guitars.. and then we trip out for a bit or get all mellow and spacey with cleaner stuff. Lots of vocals and harmonies. All over the shop.

- What do you write about?
Generally character stories. Funny, serious, emotional, sleazy. Quite often- the imagery of a person or situation pops out when we first start writing the music. We all tend to describe where we want to go with something by giving it a personality or mannerism. There’s usually some kind of psychedelic, dimension-shifting edge to them. For some reason.

- Your favourite live performance so far?
I think, probably a gig we played with Russian Circles at The Ruby Lounge in Manchester. It was a few years back now, but it just sticks in the mind as a great night. We’re all big fans of their stuff so it was cool to play with them anyway- but we held our own and really won the crowd.

- Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage.
We spend a good fifty percent of our time laughing at each other anyway, so to pick one is a hard task as we’re all goofs. In particular with this album- we shall remember Muzz breaking his ribs, by running barefoot at speed down a sloping field like a giraffe on ketamine- straight into Grahams Rhino-charging head with the thud of road kill.

- Your favourite albums?
Ahh, the unanswerable question. Depends on the mood really and all of ours would be very different I think. This morning’s mood would take me to Grails’ 'Burning Off Impurities', which is a timeless piece of instrumental deliciousness. Or to Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’, which cannot be denied by anyone as a beautiful masterpiece.
This afternoon’s mood could take me to all of the Radiohead albums, or possibly to Rage’s ‘Evil Empire’. Then we’d stick on ’Superunknown’ by Soundgarden and Stone Temple Pilots’ ‘Purple’, Slide into the evening with Deftones’ ‘Around The Fur' and Beck’s ‘Mutations’. Maybe go to sleep with ‘Ma Fluer’ by The Cinematic Orchestra or Nihls Fram ’Solo Remains'

- A musician you would like to meet for a beer?
Gotta be Keith.

- What would you ask backstage if you were the most important band on earth?
Marmite on Toast with a couple of Poached Eggs. Yummers.

- What are your plans for the next future?
We’ll be playing a show in December at the Devonshire Arms in Camden to celebrate the release of the album, then it’s a case of picking up some good shows in the new year and beyond.
We’ve started working on stuff for the next record already, but it takes us bloody ages- so we’re a long way off that. There's a lot to digest on this current album, so take your time...

Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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