Foundry Town Survivors - Foundry Town Survivors Review

Foundry Town Survivors is an American rock band focusing on the lyrics, timeless melodies and electric & acoustic instruments. The band has just released a new EP called Foundry Town Survivors. Yes, a self-titled work.

The EP consists of 6 songs for a little more than 23 minutes of music. 
The opener is called Mississippi rising, a midtempo with very intense lyrics, a very nice music arrangement and a catchy chorus. Definitely a great opener and a good way to start. Very different in the mood (and in BPM) is the second track Everything's Ok with very nice drumming and a piano in evidence. Drumming is also the protagonist of the third song Seven souls that brought me to some of Pink Floyd's atmosphere. Another different song with great basslines and great guitar solos. This is probably my favourite of the EP, if I have to pick just one song. 

Same Pink Floyd's vibes for the fourth track Hopes and dreams, while I'll see you Through changes a little the mood again. My favourite element of this Foundry Town Survivors is definitely variety, the songs are slightly different from each other and you can see many different influences of the band. The closing track is the acoustic Foundry town, more on the folk-rock side, especially on the verses. The chorus is very well made and the melody of this song will stay in your head for a bit, very contagious for a very great tune.

Foundry Town Survivors is a very good EP and the sound and all the arrangements are spot on. You can follow the band through the links below and you can listen to the EP from the Spotify player.