Interview: Tony Goff

Hailing from High Wycombe (UK), the band delivers an energetic blend of indie, funk and rock, and are back with a bang with their new singles 'Rearrange' and ‘Take A Gamble’; to mark a new line up, new sound and a new direction. These bangers are a taster of their forthcoming EP, full of indie soulful funk

- Hi Tony and welcome to this interview. Tell us about your latest release Take a gamble.
Take a Gamble is a personal song about myself.  It relates to my personal endeavors mainly ref my music career.   To risk and chase my dreams,  it also references  I have it in my fingertips,  which kinda means so close but so far.    I’ve been performing now for 17 years and it’s been a rollercoaster.  So it's about the love the struggle and to never give in.  I write this mainly to remind myself in those bad times.

- How would you describe your sound? 
Personally I would say it’s that broad Indie Sound, over the years it matured into a more soulful funky type of indie, that’s what you're going to get with the forthcoming debut album. We have elements of the 90’s bands in us I think as that’s where my main inspirations came from. 

- What do you write about? 
Most songs are about my struggles or obstacles or past loves etc.  Reminding myself sometimes of how to be better or what to do next.
I always want to lift the spirits or relate to the listeners.  I believe most music should have a message or a meaning. But it's also good just to have some fun sometimes when writing.

- What do you listen to when you are home?
Currently, I’m listening to a lot of DOVES, as a HUGE fan. But I also like my funk and soul indie vibes or just classic old school. I’m a big fan of the ’90s in general music-wise as well.

- Your favourite live performance so far? 
Since the band's revamp and new releases, our fave show has to be THE Bucks University, headlining a show for HMV.  What a great crowd!

- Tell us a funny story that happened in studio or on stage.
I do have a few stories but fresh on my mind is what to come, On January 30th, 2022 we are playing a show in Coventry with our good friends The Upsiders, all the bands performing will be wearing their Pj’… ha it all in aid for the good Samaritans charity.   Make sure you come along this will def be a laugh.

- Your favourite albums? 
I do have a bad habit of forgetting albums names and I have the habit of over listening to albums until I know longer like them ha but when I was younger I brought The Kooks 1st albums 3 times dude to losing the other 2.  I also loved Bloc Partys 1sr t album Silent Alarm.  Last few days I've been listening to the Bahamas latest album, it's super laid back and quite funny.

A musician you would like to meet for a beer? 
Hmm never really thought about it to be honest,  if I had a choice one of the classics like Ray Charles, Buddy Holly, Elvis. Anyone along those lines,  nowadays I would love to meet luke Prichard from the Kooks as he was an inspiration when I started out,  also people like Jamiroquai. 

What would you ask for backstage, if you were the most important band on earth?
Were not Diva’s lol,  our dream would just be not to lug everything around all the time and just have to be looked after so all our energy can go into the music. Be nice to have a cool room for us to chill in with some of our fave things if we were to exaggerate though. Just to occupy us while we ait to perform ha.

- What are your plans for the near future?
Well, PLANS have been tricky for obvious reasons, but we are planning on lots of live shows next year, including a Tour and a busy festival season.    All towards to build up to our long awaited Debut Album,  which hasn’t got an announce date just yet but we will drop a single from it in spring 2022