Olly Lagemann, Katja Stock - WEISS

Olly Lagemann and Katja Stock have collaborated together on this new EP called 'WEISS', which was released in February 2022.  

The EP includes 4 brilliant tracks for 12 minutes of music, a classic rock work inspired by the '80s. If I have to describe Weiss' music I will probably say it's a nostalgic and melancholy classic rock album with pop influences. My favourite track is probably Steile Zeit, classic rock, very enjoyable and with a strong and contagious chorus. 

But there are many influences on this EP so make sure you give the Weiss a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Olly Lagemann on social media 
Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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