BRAKE LOOSE - The Killer Queen

Brake Loose - frontman Alex Murillo, guitarists David O'Grady and Tico Pellegrino, bassist Eoin Madden, and drummer Johnny Krasuski - hail from Dublin, Ireland, and are five boys pursuing the rock 'n' roll dream of travelling and smashing up the world's most iconic venues.

They've performed frequently throughout Dublin, establishing themselves as a noteworthy force on the local rock scene, led and established by wild Venezuelan poet and frontman Alex Murillo. "We want to be legendary," Alex says "We want to be one of the greatest rock bands in the world, up there with our idols: The Doors, The Cult, Aerosmith, Alice In Chains, and Guns 'N' Roses. Headlining arenas, performing to the crowds, and experiencing it all. We won't stop until we get there."

The Killer Queen is the name of their new song which starts with a classy riff and smooth vocals, exploding in a powerful chorus with an amazing sound and a great vocal performance, also very catchy and with a very inspired guitar solo. I love the dynamics of the song and the performance of the band is perfect! Give it a go on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Brake Loose on social media as well.
