By Enrico Spinelli

Here we are, I've finally listened to it! After hearing a lot of friends and journalists saying "I didn't expect this" I decided to buy it, and what's more without any previews! And this despite the huge disappointment that "Soundtrack to your escape" and even more "A Sense of Purpose" gave me, a trauma that I still carry inside (and that led me not to buy any more albums with their name, winning my drive to complete discographies).  Having said that, attracted by authoritative optimistic opinions and a truly captivating cover, I decided to listen to it.... and actually I too found myself saying "I didn't expect it!".

I state that the classics remain peacefully in their place, we are certainly not talking about a return to those musical miracles named "The Jester Race" and "Whoracle" we are certainly dealing with a work that recovers a certain aggressiveness and a sound closer to those In Flames which in any case suited me, and would continue to suit me, less Death and more melodic but peace, after all, there are few bands that have remained consistent with their past. 

Here there is a rather successful balance between malice and melody, far from the monotony of "A sense of purpose", songs like "State of Slow Decay", "Meet Your Maker", the two-part title track and "The Great Deceiver" are oxygen to my wounded heart of steel. Sure, as I said at the beginning, there isn't a blank slate of what has been done in recent years and hints of the band's new course emerge several times, but basically everything flows rather pleasantly, giving a good dose of fun. 

It's not all lights, the last three tracks (including the bonus track) could easily have not existed for me and the album would have earned a few more points, but by adding all the elements I can be satisfied. I know I should be meaner, following the grudge I've been carrying around for too long, those hints of hope that I've caught make me confident and therefore I can only associate myself with the positive impressions I've read and heard and say too " I didn't expect that!"

Welcome back (I hope) In Flames, next time I want something more but for now, it's ok.

Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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