Shadow of the Moon, released in 1997, featured their own music. With Fires At Midnight (2001), the group went back to the origins of songs from the Middle Ages, but they added Blackmore's electric guitar and Candice's double reed woodwind instruments to keep the spirit of the original songs alive. Orchestral inspiration was found in Ghost of A Rose (2003). A Village Lanterne entered (2006). Then, All Our Yesterdays, Dancer and the Moon, Autumn Skies, Secret Journey, and (2008) (2015). They have a Christmas album called Winter Carols that has won awards and three full-length DVDs. The visitors to the Renaissance Faire love them. Renaissance-style attire is frequently worn by fans, who form a vibrant community. Nature's Light, their most recent studio album, was released in March 2021.
They came upon the fantastic song Wish You Were Here while on tour and first recorded it for 1997's Shadow of the Moon. It spent 17 weeks at the top of the German charts. Ritchie developed a deep passion for it. And it's one of the songs that they consistently request from the crowd when they ask for requests or what they want to hear. This is the 25th-anniversary remastered (and remixed) version, with an amazing sound, production and of course performance of amazing musicians (guitars are fantastic). Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Blackmore's Night on social media.