Song of the day: Golden Vultures - Cry Wolf

Golden Vultures is a rock/blues/soul supergroup formed in 2021 in the south of Switzerland by Yari Copt with Yannick Rinvi (Those Furious Flames) on guitars, Andrea Zinzi (Make Plain) on guitars, Eveline Lucchini (Animor) on bass, Sebastian Rigo (Eleonor) on drums and backing vocals, and Enea Adami on keyboards and backing vocals.

This is their new single, called Cry Wolf. I love the pure rock n' roll guitar riff at the beginning of the song, where we can also notice the quality of the production. The vocals are very energetic but catchy at the same time and the rhythm section is very precise and dynamic. The song is very enjoyable from start to finish and it features lots of little tasty guitar solos in the second part of the song. Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Golden Vultures on social media as well.
Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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