Song of the day: Friendship Commanders - Vampire

Nashville, Tennessee-based Friendship Commanders are a heavy duo. Buick Audra on vocals and guitar, and Jerry Roe on drums and bass, make up the group. The group has two albums out. Steve Albini recorded Bill (2018) at Electrical Audio, and the band engineered and produced Dave (2016). Kurt Ballou co-produced, engineered, and mixed their third album, which will be released in 2023. It was recorded in GodCity, his Salem, Massachusetts studio.

About their new single “Vampire,” Buick Audra says: “There was a season at the end of my time in Boston where I was being turned into The Problem by someone who wanted to control me and couldn’t; it was a moment where I could have played small and gone along with what she wanted, as I had once done. But I didn’t. I played big. I kept what was mine instead of giving it away—which included parts of my identity. And while the result was a scorched earth reality that impacts my sense of self to this day, it also ended the whole thing. I learned a valuable lesson in that season: don’t fuel the narcissists. Keep your power for yourself. It’s what they hate. And if they’re going to drag your character out in front of everyone you know, you might as well burn it all down for the warmth.”

I love the fuzzy riffs, the energetic but also melodic vocals and the overall spirit of the song, heavy and contagious, amazingly written, produced and performed. Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and don't forget to follow Friendship Commanders on social media as well.

Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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