Gasoline Lollipops - Freedom Don't Come Easy

Gasoline Lollipops weave fragments of American roots music with patches of their wounded hearts to create an all-new tapestry of bleeding rock 'n' roll.

The Denver Westword named "Best Country Artist" in 2016, and the band, which released their first album Resurrection in February 2017 and Soul Mine 11 months later, won the Colorado Daily reader's vote for "Best Boulder Band" in 2014, 2015, and 2017 respectively. They have performed with Lucero, Dale Watson, Todd Snider, Slim Cessna's Auto Club, and other well-known performers. 

This is their new single, called "Freedom Don't Come Easy". Clay Rose wrote the song in direct response to the January 6th rebellion, and it addresses contemporary societal themes while being steeped in American folk culture. It condemns systematic racism, unchecked greed, gun violence, hate-mongering media, hate-mongering religious organisations, and the overall subjugation of those who do not benefit from our increasingly fragmented political and economic environment. It is an unashamed call to all Americans to stand up for common decency and our shared basic values in the face of strong forces attempting to divide us.
I love the pace and the mood of "Freedom Don't Come Easy", energetic and catchy at the same time, with inspired vocals and lyrics. The song is ovefun to listen to, well performed by the band and with a top-notch arrangement and production. Give it a go by clicking on the Spotify player below and remember to follow Gasoline Lollipops on social media.

Giovanni Gagliano

Passionate about music I wrote my first article for "Given To Rock" in 2012, reaching now 30K global followers. I am also a musician, gigging around London.

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