Unsatisfied - Mel Adys feat. Zacharie Defaut

"Unsatisfied" is a powerful blues-rock track composed by singer Mel Adys, whose debut EP will be released in April 2025. The song features rock vocals, and an impressive blues guitar solo by Zacharie Defaut. The lyrics address themes of chronic discontent and the burden of self-judgment. The track was recorded live during a session in Toulouse, France.

I really like the video and the performance is absolutely spot on, I love how the vocals get more and more intense and the band behind the singer is very tight and inspired, with a precise and dynamic and rhythm section by Romain Brusini (bass) and Seb Moutte (drums) and a fantastic blues guitar by Zacharie Defaut. Quality song and performance, give it a go by clicking on the video above and follow Mel Adys on social media as well.