Le Coc - Cold fire Tears

Le Coc, a musician from Santiago, has been perfecting his skill for decades. He lists Van Halen, Pink Floyd, and Rush as major inspirations. Renowned Greek singer Tasos Lazaris, whose visceral singing style perfectly complements Le Coc's, joins him on his latest album. They have collaborated to produce a profoundly poignant record that examines bravery, society, and love.

His brand new track, "Cold Fire Tears," is a classic rock anthem taken from the album Handmade Heart. It captures the raw emotion of love, loss, and the fleeting nature of time.  The song is quality from every point of view: amazingly written and performed (the vocals are insane) and with the perfect production for the genre. The riffs are very cool and the rhythm section is very solid. Give it a go by clicking on the video above and follow Le Coc if you like what you hear.